Uncommon Review

Reviews of self-published, small press, and non-traditional books.

Book Review: The Book of Enoch November 16, 2008

bookofenochThe Book of Enoch

Edited by R.H. Charles

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The Book Tree, 1917/2006, paperback

978-1-58509-263-5, $11.95, 94 pages







The Book of Enoch (reprinted in this form by R.H. Charles) is an Old Testament/Dead Sea Scroll text predating Christianity.  Banned by Christian council for being “too supernatural,” the canon describes prophet Enoch’s visions and his astral journeys in time.  The themes in this book include:


Archangels, fallen angels (or “Watchers”), evil spirits, prophecies of the coming of Christ, future cities, judgments of various peoples, the secrets of nature, seasons, and astronomy, the Book of Noah, and the Exodus.


Some of my favorite quotes from this book:


In regard to the coming of the Messiah or “Holy Great One”:  “And the Watchers shall quake, and great fear and trembling shall seize them…” (page 9).  As well as, “And sometimes their eyes were opened, and sometimes blinded, till another sheep arose and led them and brought them all back, and their eyes were opened” (page 70).


Perhaps alluding to the “Lightworkers” or “Starseeds” of current generation: “And it shall come to pass in those days that elect and holy children will descend from the high heaven and their seed will become one with the children of men” (page 25).


And finally, God talking to Enoch in response for Enoch’s pleas from the Watchers:  “They should be interceded for you, not you for them” (page 17).


The Book of Enoch contains a mix of straight-forward descriptions, as well as highly-symbolic language.  Some of the subject matter is reminiscent of The Earth Chronicles series by Sitchin.  This is a must-read for any Bible devotee or supernatural/paranormal enthusiast.  Four-and-a-half stars.


Charyl Miller Pingleton–November 16, 2008